Friday, July 24, 2009

Picking Season

Picking season has begun. We have bright crimson cherry and have picked over 1000 lbs. this week. The trees seem to have beans in multiple various stages of ripening so it looks like a long picking season this year. This probably doesn't mean a bumper crop it just means the beans will ripen in smaller stages. Last year we had a terrific winter blossom one day in February and thus had the fruit ripening in a shorter period of time. This year we had more blossoms at many different times. In fact the other day we had trees with ripe cherry, green cherry, little buds going into bean and a blossom all on one tree. We thought what has mother nature come up with this season. But then this year we had more rain in the winter. We called it our rainy, dry season. Coffee loves rain and likes to blossom after a nice winter rain. So here we are with possibly 145 pounds of roasted coffee because as you know it takes 7 pounds of cherry to produce 1 pound of delicious Kona coffee.