Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coffee Brewing Tips

A customer at our Saturday market asked us how we brewed our coffee because she didn't think her coffee tasted as good when she brought it home and brewed some up. It would have been nice if I could have told her about the magic potion I sprinkle in each pot to make tastings to our Saturday morning crew so delectable, but this is really what I suggested.

Eventhough Hawaii has very good tasting water in most parts of the island, I use filtered water right from my refrigerator door. Coffee is very delicate and some water components can interfere with the flavors you like. So, if you are not experiencing rich coffee flavors in your brewed pot try clearer fresh cool water.

Keep your pots and brewing equipment fresh and clean. Build up accumulates rather quickly and can also interfere with a great tasting cup of coffee. The good news is that it's really easy to keep your pots ready to accept a fresh brew. Just a drop of Ivory liquid swished in the pot and rinsed is good after daily use.

Today I did the thorough clean of all our brew and pump pots. We take 4 pump pots to the Market every Sat. so today I ran a mixture of my favorite easy cleaner, BrewRite, thru our brew pots. I, then, poured that hot solution into our four pump pots and let it set for no more than 5 minutes. After pressing the pumper a few times and swishing the solution around I rinsed them and they are now air drying. I love how the pots look like new again inside and out and sparkle as they will be ready to accept our fresh brews next Saturday morning.

It makes it all worth it when our first customer arrives and sips that great 100% Kona Lisa Coffee and goes "just what I needed, this is definitely the best coffee I have ever had".

Our Kona coffee is so smooth, slightly sweet with a nutty flavor and absolutely no bitterness that you don't want to confuse the senses with any extraneous matter. So those pots get washed and wiped down after use and I do a thorough clean about each month.

Remember your Kona Lisa coffee now gets brewed the way you like it and I suggest that you may not need as much coffee as you are used to using from mainland store bought coffees. So try using less and adjust until your taste buds tell you you've got it right. My measurments consist of 2/3 of a cup of ground coffee to a twelve cup pot. Tell me what works for you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


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